Bright And Welcoming Homestay

토론토 (Victoria Village)

홈스테이 캐나다, 토론토

Welcome to your home in Canada!

We began hosting in 2018, and have hosted students from Turkey, China, India, Mexico and France. The children are 8 and 10, and develop strong bonds with our homestay guests. We love to host, as we learn about new cultures and customs. We are native English speakers and are happy to help our guests practice English.

The posted price includes daily breakfast, but we can offer other meal plans if you ask.

We treat our homestay guests as family. As a mom, I would want my kids to be welcomed with warmth and inclusion if they stay with another family when they are older. So it’s important to me to treat our guests the same way.

I am a working professional, and work outside the home as well as at home.

Our home is bright and warm, and my former homestay guests have described my meals as “delicious” and that I am “skilled at cooking”.

We are close to shopping, transit, restaurants, libraries, parks, and a movie theatre. We love the outdoors and invite our homestay guests to join us in our outdoor activities, including camping in the summer, and weekly visits to a local farmers’ market.

We are a Christian family, and want to extend love to all who visit.

We have two guinea pigs, Hidy and Ginger, who live in the home.

호스트: Victoria
  • 2명 6-12세
  • 호스트 비흡연
  • 집안내 애완동물(들) 거주
  • 이 호스트는 다음 게스트를 환영합니다:
    • 어학연수생/교환학생
    • 대학생
    • 성인(20대 중반 이상)
    • 커플
    • 아이들과 함께 여행하는 가족
    • 신규 이민자
    • 출장자
    • 계약직 간호사
서비스 및 편의시설
  • 식사 포함여부: 아침
  • 무선 광역 인터넷 (Wi-Fi)
  • 흡연 불가
  • Self service laundry included in fee (use of machine and detergent)
입주 정보
  • 1 침실, 1명 체류 가능
  • 4주 최소 체류기간
  • 7달 최대 체류기간
  • 이주를 원할 시 2주 사전 안내 요망

이 홈스테이에는 1개의 방이 있습니다

룸 No1: 1층

1명 체류 가능

입주 불가능


  • 침대

    • 1 × 더블침대
  • 욕실

    • 개인욕실 (침실 밖에 위치)
  • 가구

    • 책상 및 의자
    • 에어컨
    • 침실 잠금장치
    • 전신거울
    • 옷장
홈스테이 근처의 학교들

아래에 제시된 거리는 대략의 아이디어를 주기 위한것으로 정확한 정보는 홈스테이 가족에게 직접 문의하세요.

다른 홈스테이들도 둘러보고 싶으세요? 토론토 지역 내 홈스테이 목록으로 되돌아가기.