Hi! My name is YU TOMISAKI. I’m a 21-year-old, female Japanese student.
I’m now living in Toronto and studying at ILAC.
My current homestay is an option of the school and that’s why I’m now looking for a new homestay in Toronto.
In my country, I study philosophy at Sophia university located in Tokyo. I’m interested in English literature, film, culture, and so.
I’m a talkative, very friendly, funny person. Im crazy in Harry Potter and Helena Bonham Carter, a British famous actress.
Thank you for reading and nice to meet you!!

- Yu

希望スケジュール 上限予算 プロフィール
6月 23日 日曜日 to 2025年 3月 20日 木曜日 (9ヵ月) $1000 CAD
Requested meals: 朝食, 昼食, 夕食
渡航目的: ワーキングホリデー制度
Between 21 and 29 years of age